Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What Magnet Therapy Treatment can do for you?

A natural method used to relieve pain, restore energy and enhance sleep. It has proven to be a safe, effective, economical and simple to use form of alternative therapy. Magnetic therapy is thousands of years old yet holds great promise for the future. Magnets have been scientifically proven to enable the body to regain its self-healing electromagnetic balance naturally. Strong evedence suggests that magnetic therapy may help to : relieve pain, reduce inflammation, restore natural energy, increase blood circulation, prevent or reverse infection, promote metabolic processing of toxins and support the healing process. Magnetic therapy is a non-invasive treatment method with a very high success rate and has much to offer in both prevention and treatment of chronic ailments.

Improvement / Relief using a magnetic therapy
  • Cough / Asthma
  • Increase Energy
  • Control Diabetes
  • Foot Pain / Arthritic
  • Menstrual Pain
  • Sleeping Problem
  • Control Blood Pressure
  • Joint / Muscle Pain
  • Backache / Migraine

Sunday, February 3, 2008

How Magnets Work?

The diagram gives simple illustrations of how magnets work and what is the immediate reaction to a person's body system.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Danger of Mobile Phone Radiation

A simple test showing the danger from radiation and how effective the bio-magnet therapy can protect us.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Why Do You Feel Pain?

There are two types of pain: Acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain is the result of any immediate trauma such as stubbing your toe. Chronic pain is pain that has lasted for 6 months or longer, such as lower back pain. The best way to keep acute pain from becoming chronic pain is immediate treatment.

But, what exactly in your body causes pain? After all, if we can identify the cause of your pain, then we can also identify how to remove the cause (the cure.) So, what makes you feel pain?

Let’s use some examples of physical tissue injuries to help understand how pain occurs. When you stub your toe, stress your joints, or slip and fall, chemical reactions occur in your body.

Those chemical reactions include lowering your acid-alkaline pH balance. Your body’s normal pH level is 6.0-6.8. Below 6.0 is too acidic and above 6.8 is too alkaline.

A tissue injury causes your pH level to become lower locally at the site of the wound. Then, lower acid PH results in swollen cells (edema). Swollen cells may constrict your capillaries’ circulation resulting in:

1. Lower oxygen to the cells.
2. Slower drainage of lactic acid (metabolic toxin) from the cells.
3. Hindered repair of damaged cells.

Then, your nervous system sends a message to your brain: Ouch! That’s what causes pain. Now, how can you remove the root cause?

The secret mechanism that will relieve your pain away

Circulation is the secret. Magnets have been observed to increase blood flow to small capillaries. The capillary walls are thought to be relaxed and dilated by magnetism. Once the extra blood flow begins, then a whole chain of metabolic reactions occur:

1. pH is restored from acid to neutral, which releases oxygen from its bound form to its molecular free form.
2. Oxygen is transported for tissue regeneration to the cells.
3. Free radicals are reduced by energizing enzymes.
4. Energy is produced from ATP in the cells.
5. Metabolic toxins, such as lactic acid, are drained.
6. Cellular swelling (edema) is decreased.

“Magnetic fields appear to greatly increase blood flow in the tiny capillaries. For example, via testing…a way of measuring blood flow through the fingers, Dr. Lawrence found a rate of 300% increase in five minutes – a dramatic change." Magnet Therapy: The Pain Cure Alternative, Ron Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D., Paul J. Rosch, M.D., p. 91

The human body is about 70% water. Magnetism lowers water’s surface tension so that it becomes thinner and more absorbable. Theoretically, watery blood circulates better after becoming thinner and more absorbable after being magnetized.

When blood flow is increased to your cells, then your body’s natural, metabolic healing functions occur much more rapidly. Circulation brings life and healing. Biomagnets don’t cure pain from the outside. They stimulate your body’s own healing processes.

“When red blood cells are examined under a microscope they are often clumped together in the blood of people with ailments. With a magnetic treatment, the red blood cells disperse, allowing more oxygen transfer from the lungs.” Getting Started in Magnetic Healing, Buryl Payne, Ph.D., p. 55.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Brain Connection with Palm

Click on image to enlarge

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